SACC Arizona - Annual Holiday Dinner
We invite you to SACC Arizona's Traditional Annual Holiday Dinner Event on December 4, 2013, at Arizona Country Club. 5668 E. Orange Blossom Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85018.
RSVP by December 3, 2013 Thank you!
6.00 pm - Networking and Glögg
7.00 pm - A traditional Swedish 'Smörgåsbord' will be served.
7.30 pm - Featured speakers: Colin Tetreault
8.00 pm - Coffee and dessert
8.30 - Raffle Drawing
Continued networking
No Host Bar
Keynote speaker Colin Tetreault: Sustainability in Phoenix: What we’re doing, where we’re going, and why it matters to you.
Colin Tetreault serves as the Senior Policy Advisor of Sustainability to Mayor Stanton of Phoenix, Arizona. Colin oversees the development and recommendation of policy germane to sustainability
over the 520 mile2, 1.5 million person population of the City of Phoenix. Acting with a City and regional emphasis, Colin seeks to advance Phoenix’s future: create robust and resilient economic opportunity for all; protect and expand environmental and natural systems while looking to them for use inspired
solutions; foster and grow a beautiful, vibrant, pluralistic and socially just culture.
Read the bio for @ColinTetreault
(Business Casual, No Host Bar)
SACC Arizona Board of Directors
Oscar of Sweden
Royal Palms
Additional event sponsorship available.
Contact SACC Arizona by email contact@saccarizona.org
SACC Arizona started 1996 by a group of Swedish business professionals in the Phoenix Metro area and is now one of 20 regional Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce throughout the U.S.
The network of chambers is a resource for our member and the regions we represent. Consider SACC Arizona your partner in Swedish-American matchmaking and trade events.